Tuesday 7 May 2013

Coburg Primary School's 160th Birthday

Coburg Primary School celebrated a special milestone-its 160th Birthday-on Friday 3rd May 2013. The students, teachers and families were involved in a week of celebrations.
We started off the week with a special assembly and a visit from Mrs Sargood (from National Trust) who gave the students an experience of what a classroom was like in the 1800s.

Mrs Sargood teaching grades 3 and 4                                    Learning to write copperplate                  

On Friday the students were involved in cross age activities reflective of school activities that could have taken place in our school in 1853. They played old time games such as ‘Jacks’, ‘Ring a ring a rosie’ and ‘Blind Mans’s bluff.  

Marching into class

Then  parents and friends came to  our official ceremony which saw students marching and singing our old school song. One of our parents made an enormous birthday cake for us to share.  Then High Tea was served for all adults in attendance.  Special guests attending were Kelvin Thomson, and the Mayor of Moreland, Oscar Yildiz.  

The Birthday Cake

In the afternoon we had a visit from a past student, Barry Carozzi, who had been at our school in the 1950s.  He talked to the children and teachers about what life was like at Coburg Primary School in those days.  He mentioned that there were 60 students in his grade and that a teacher Mrs Corrie had in fact inspired him to take up teaching.  He was still teaching today.  Barry had photos which contributed to our huge display of historic photos and memorabilia.

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