Tuesday 26 February 2013

School Captains, JSC and Eco Warriors

School Captains 2013
Sports Captains 2013


Congratulations to our 2013 Junior School Council.

We have a new group of Eco-Warriors who will be working together and with the school community to introduce sustainable initatives to the school.

Eco Warrior Mission Statement and Expectations.
We will care for the CPS environment including our classrooms and the school grounds. We will help others care for the CPS environment. We will try and help the school save energy.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Welcome back

Welcome back to all of our students and families. We hope you enjoyed your holiday break.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all of the new students and families who have joined our school community this year.
Welcome also to the two new members of our teaching staff, Nelli (Grade 5/6) and Jolie (Grade 1/2).




Whats new in 2013?

School Website:

Coburg Primary School has updated the school website. Let us know what you think of the fresh new look. http://www.coburgps.vic.edu.au/

The staff has recently completed a professional development training day on a new program we plan to introduce to the school this year.  The Program is called “You Can Do It!”

“You Can Do It!” founder Michael Bernard, a highly acclaimed psychologist who is a professor at Melbourne University and an international consultant to education organisations, believes that  education’s main purpose is to support communities, schools, and homes in a collective effort to optimise the social, emotional, and academic outcomes of all young people.

The program he developed has a unique contribution in that it identifies the social and emotional capabilities that all young people need to acquire in order to be successful in school, experience well being, and have positive relationships including making contributions to others and the community.

YCDI’s mission is to achieve, through the following beliefs and actions:
The building of social, emotional, and motivational capacity of young people rather than on their problems and deficits.
  • The encouragement of prevention, promotion, and intervention efforts (school, home and community) in order to build the social and emotional strengths of young people.
  • The development of a strength-building approach, where YCDI seeks to build the capabilities of adults (community, school, home) associated with positive outcomes in young people.

Staff will begin introducing this program next week and we will be giving you updates about it frequently via the newsletter and through assemblies on Monday mornings.  We hope you will support this program and all it aims to do. Social and emotional learning is as important as academic learning. If we want out children to grow and develop into responsible, caring individuals achieving to their potential, then this program will help us to enable our children to do this.

Coming up....


Keep checking the blog and the school newsletter for the latest on the activities happening around the school.