Sunday 18 November 2012

Ukular Attack at Jets Studios

Our award winning band Ukular Attack spent today enjoying their well deserved prize from the School of Rock, a recording session at Jets studios in Bunroora. They recorded five songs and were pros. A very exciting and educational day for our talented musicians.
A huge thanks to the awesome team at Jets and to Paul for the great work he does with our musicians. We look foward to hearing the final result.

Ukular Attack at Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival

Ukular Attack rocked out at the Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival on Saturday.
Their junior fanclub thought they were pretty cool too.

Monday 12 November 2012

Ukular Attack at Merlynston Festival

Ukular Attack on the front page of the Moreland Leader (Monday 5th November)


Coburg primary's own Ukular Attack is playing at the Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival on
 Sunday 18th November.
They are performing from 12 - 12:30 pm
 on the Bain Stage (next to Merlyn Street).


Science Talent Search

Science Talent Search 2012

Congratulations Felix.

We are very proud to announce that we have three very talented scientists at Coburg Primary School. Jemima Smith, Felix Fuggle and Leo Jinks took part in the 2012 Science Talent Search in the areas of experimental research, working models and creative writing. Primary and secondary students from all over Victoria entered the competition and attended a special judging day in August.
All students received awards as mentioned above and Felix has been invited to display his winning entry at a Special Presentation Day at La Trobe University in Bundoora on Monday 29th October. Well done to all of these students who have demonstrated excellence in the area of science.