Monday 27 August 2012

Creepy Crawlies

We had some fascinated Junior School students the other morning when they got to school and discovered that not only had a big branch broken off a tree, but that is had a huge clump of caterpillars as well.

Monday 20 August 2012

Here/There Project DVD

The Here/There Project is on this Thursday Night (23rd August).

Please ensure that your children are dressed in the correct coloured tops for their grade.
(Dress requirement for Here/ There – Black pants & Tshirts/shirts as below
Grades P/1S – Red,  P/1K – Purple,  1/2A – White, 1/2B – Orange,
 3/4S – Blue,  3/4P – Yellow,  5/6H – Green, 5/6N – Black, 5/6C – Red)

  Seating arrangements: school students will need to be seated with their class groups for ease of flow of the production. We ask that the students please remain with their class until the show ends and that all families stay until the end of the night so as to avoid disruption and disappointment for the children who have yet to perform.  Raffle tickets will be sold on the night.  We have some terrific hampers and other prizes so please be generous in  purchasing tickets as all money goes towards helping your child’s education.
 Doors open at 6:30pm and the show starts at 7pm.
It is going to be a fantastic night.

The Here/There Project


To celebrate the special event which is ‘The Here/There Project’ , we are having the concert professionally filmed.  DVDs are only $10 each and are available by pre-order.

Return slips and money to be placed in an envelope and returned to the class teacher.


Family Name______________________________

Child’s Name_________________________________ Grade________

I would like to purchase DVDs for The Here/There Project

      ____ DVDs @ 10 Total $_____________

Parent signature:- _____________________________ Date:___________

Camp Doxa

Our grade 3 and 4 students had a fantastic time at Camp Doxa. There was alot of fun and sometimes challenging things to participate in. The children had a go at the Giant Swing and Trampolining, did the Ropes Course, made Huts, played games in the gymnasium and chilled out in the games room. Most of all they had a lot of FUN.