Wednesday 19 December 2012

And we reach the end of 2012....

Another school year is almost finished. How quickly the year flies by!
The children are enjoying the end of year celebrations and are looking forward to the summer holidays.

Final Assembly:

We had our final assembly on Monday. All of fantastic peer mediators received certificates of appreciation for the great job they did during the year.
The junior school council members were also rewarded with a certificate. All of the members have done a wonderful job of contributing to our school.
Congratulations to the 2012 Inter school Sport Premiers. Well done to the Boys Soccer team and our Boys and Girls Netball teams. A fantastic effort. 
Thank you to our wonderful School Captains Emily and Oliver and Vice Captains Sophie and Jamie. They have done a wonderful job both as school leaders and as members of the Junior School Council.

Thank you also to our Sports Captains Danny and Cameron and Vice Captains Leo and Esin.
Farewell to Nib and Helen who are leaving us at the end of term. We wish Nib all the best with the rest of her pregnancy and the new baby. We look forward to meeting your little bundle of joy. We also wish Helen all the best with her retirement. We hope you enjoy a well deserved rest.
The time has come to say farewell to our Grade 6 Students. Graduation 2012 was a fun affair with a slide show of the children as babies, preps and now, along with some musical numbers from the students. Lots of awards were handed out to our wonderful students. The school captains and vice captains did a fantastic job as M.C's.We will miss our senior students and wish them all the best in high school and their future endeavours.

Some of our Grade 6 Students.

School Captain Speeches.
Congratulations to our Music Award recipients Patrick and Willow.
Grade 6 Teachers Speeches.

Every year CPS School Council awards two of the graduating students with an encouragement award. Congratulations to this years recipients Jamie and Sophie.
End of Year Concert:

The end of year concert was fantastic. The children put on a wonderful performance and everyone really enjoyed the show.

Grade 5/6 Guitar Students performing Stand By Me.
The fabulous Marimba Band.
The award winning Ukular Attack.
Adriana and Jemima gave us some beautiful classical music.
The loud and proud Percussion Ensemble.
Toxic Rock rocked our socks off.
Our junior Rock Star Ollie joined in.
Past students Blake and Stevie joined some of the Toxic Rock members for the finale.

We would like to wish all of our students,families, staff and our supportive community a wonderful Christmas break and a very happy new year. All the best in 2013 to our Grade 6 students. We look forward to seeing everyone else after the holidays.



Sunday 18 November 2012

Ukular Attack at Jets Studios

Our award winning band Ukular Attack spent today enjoying their well deserved prize from the School of Rock, a recording session at Jets studios in Bunroora. They recorded five songs and were pros. A very exciting and educational day for our talented musicians.
A huge thanks to the awesome team at Jets and to Paul for the great work he does with our musicians. We look foward to hearing the final result.

Ukular Attack at Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival

Ukular Attack rocked out at the Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival on Saturday.
Their junior fanclub thought they were pretty cool too.

Monday 12 November 2012

Ukular Attack at Merlynston Festival

Ukular Attack on the front page of the Moreland Leader (Monday 5th November)


Coburg primary's own Ukular Attack is playing at the Merlynston Diverse Voices Festival on
 Sunday 18th November.
They are performing from 12 - 12:30 pm
 on the Bain Stage (next to Merlyn Street).


Science Talent Search

Science Talent Search 2012

Congratulations Felix.

We are very proud to announce that we have three very talented scientists at Coburg Primary School. Jemima Smith, Felix Fuggle and Leo Jinks took part in the 2012 Science Talent Search in the areas of experimental research, working models and creative writing. Primary and secondary students from all over Victoria entered the competition and attended a special judging day in August.
All students received awards as mentioned above and Felix has been invited to display his winning entry at a Special Presentation Day at La Trobe University in Bundoora on Monday 29th October. Well done to all of these students who have demonstrated excellence in the area of science.


Tuesday 16 October 2012

Whats Happening: Term 4

 Where has this year gone? The last Term is already upon us. Here at CPS we are looking foward to the fine weather and all of the fun activities that we have this term. Check out what we have coming up and join the fun.

Meetings will be held this term on Wednesday 24 October and Wednesday 12 December.

Our junior classes have started their swimming lessons for the term. Grade 3/4 classes swim on Mondays and Prep/1/2 classes have their lessons on a Friday.

Our weird and wacky walkathon is on Wednesday 24 October. Dress up in your weirdest and wackiest outfits for this school fundraising event. Every child who raises $5 or more in sponsorship is in the draw to win a prize.

We are holding a fundraising event at the school on local council election day, Saturday 27 October.
Parents are looking to hold a BBQ, Cake stall and Craft stall. If you are able to help out on the day please contact the office. If you would like to help with creating crafts for the stall you are invited to join the CPS Craft Group. They will be meeting again at the Senior Staffroom, Wednesday 24 October at 2pm.

Just a reminder that the school is closed on Monday 5 November for Curriculum Day.
Melbourne Cup day is on Tuesday 6 November and is a Public Holiday.

Our annual Coburg Cup Day is on Wednesday 7 November. This is always a fantastic day with fashions on the feild, fun activities and races, and a picnic lunch. This years theme is 'Bright Colours and Patterns'.

We will be running a Working Bee from 10am-1pm on Sunday 18 November, with the focus being on the senior side. Children are welcome to attend with their parents. Any contributions towards morning tea are welcome. If you have any questions please contact the school office.

We will be welcoming our new preps and their parents on:
Tuesday 13 November, Tuesday 20th November and Tuesday 27 November.

The Coburg Night Market runs on Friday nights from November 16 - December 14.
The night market is a fantastic promotional event for our school and the Instrumental Music Programme. The parents run a marquee each week with badge making, craft activities, and balloons. If you are able to help for an evening or more please contact the school office. All help is appreciated.

Come and be dazzled by our talented music students at the Instrumental Music Night, Tuesday 4 December.
Due to the huge number of children participating in this programme the children are split into two groups for this event. Children will be sent home with a confirmation letter with the group name and concert time.

Our Grade 2 students have their sleepover on Friday 14 December.

It is almost time to say farewell to our Grade 6 Students.
Transition day is on Tuesday 11 December.
Grade 6 Graduation will be held on Tuesday 18 December and the 'Big Day Out' on Thursday 20th December.

Our last day of term is Friday 21 December. School finishes at 1:30pm.
Don't forget to come a little earlier to farewell our grade 6 students as they do their final walk down the stairs.

Monday 17 September 2012

Bundoora Park Excursion.

Our Grade 1/2 classes had an excursion to Bundoora Park Farm last Friday. They had a wonderful day with alot of fun activities. The children made scones, feed baby goats, petted lots of animals. milked a cow, had pony rides, went on a tractor ride and played in the playground.

Making Scones

Churning Butter

Feeding the chickens

Sneaking a pat with the turkey

Time for Guinea Pig cuddles

Feeding the baby goats

Feeding the sheep
Milking the cow

Tractor ride to see kangaroos and emus
Eating our scones...yummy!
What a great day.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Educational games for children.

Children love to play on computers, tablets and smart phones. So for todays post lets look at some websites with educational games for children. I have chosen some that looked to be fun as well as having the benefit of extending childrens learning and engage them.

This site has been used in the classroom with Grade Prep/1.
The focus is reading with phonics. It suits Kindergarten, Prep, Grade 1, Special Education and English as a Second Language children.

Games and activities in:
Vocabulary, Spelling, Word Games, Music, Typing and much more.
A comprehensive site with links to many activities. There are things for every primary school age group here. Activities include: Maths, English, Science, Brain Games, Art and Music.
Activities for all primary school aged children with Fun arcade, Math Arcade, Reading games and books to read and more.

If you and your child have come across some great games or apps that you think others would like to try please let us know.

Monday 3 September 2012

CPS Concert: Here / There Project

The Here/There Project was a huge success. The story and characters were all created by the children with assistance from the shows director and professional puppet maker. There was a lot of school community assistance with voices and music for the soundtrack, and help with the puppet making.A gigantic thank you to everyone that helped, and also to everyone for coming to see the childrens hard work come to fruition.
We hope you enjoyed it.





© Coburg Primary School 2012
Thank you to Adriana, Kelly and Adele for the photos.